Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Area-51 m15X is the first 15.4" laptop with NVIDIA 8800M GTX graphics card. This laptop utilizes Penryn processors and it is one of the powerful gaming laptop with attractive design in the market. But unfortunately, one of the consumers that has this laptop has faced a sad problem. Its laptop has started to show signs of stress cracking or seperation of the top layer.
The good part is that Alienware immediately responded to the user. It seems that this peculiar problem has happened once and Alienware is trying to find the reason.
We are happily waiting for the result of Aienware’s investigation.
“As always, we take any feedback in forums, blogs and newsgroups seriously and encourage our customers to contact us directly whenever they experience unexpected issues with their machines” Steve Lopez- Support Forums Administrator from Alienware mentioned it.

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