Tuesday, May 12, 2009

About Acer

Acer Manufacturing
Acer company is in the top five leading world computer providers. Acer company produces laptop computers and personal computers, server equipment, data storage hardware, monitors, computer periphery, liquid-crystal TV-sets and so on.
Acer is of the second magnitude in the world laptop computer provider after Dell on the base of Centrino. The common deliveries of Acer laptop computers on the base of Centrino in the third quarter makes about 180000-200000 ones. It was sold more than 60000 laptop computers on Centrino during the month. Now the company is trying to sell 80000-100000 Acer laptop computers per month.

The secret of the progress is very simple: it is innovative developments, and clear understanding needs and preferences of the finite user. This article will help you to choose the model, that is more proper to you.
Acer laptops is the absolute leader in Western Europe. Acer laptops have won the first place on sales in such countries as Italy, Austria, Spain, Germany, Belgium, Czechia. The secret of the progressis not only in innovative developments, but in clear understanding needs and preferences of the finite user: the world level of quality, the excellent service and attractive price. The customers have estimated at one's true worth this important advantage of Acer laptops and provided the leading position in the region.
Saying about competitive advantages of Acer laptops, first of all it emphasized the fact, that no one of the Acer laptop modelswas produced by other vendors. In other words, Acer company remains the biggest producer of the laptops

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